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Friday, March 29, 2013


BIT-Logical is a progress administration system based on the efficient acquisition and use of technologies to achieve a particular process goal. A lack of BIT deployment is found when people pay for technologies and barely use 5% of it (for example the so called smart-phones, Operative Systems on your computer, websites, databases, etc.) Billions of dollars are wasted every year!

B.I.T. (or BIT) stands for "Balanced Budget, Inventories and Time". When you use technologies (specifically the Internet and computers) to achieve a goal, you are almost running barefoot on he electronic realm. If the process of technologies' acquisition-implementation is not balanced you can loose direction very easily. In doing so, most people and businesses will generate waste of their: cash (budget), tools (inventory or what you bought in form of technologies) and their time.

This system was designed by LFT-Australia under precise control of our engineers, sustainable economic developers, sociologists, psychologist and Biocybernetic Doctors among several thousands of coders. We all focused n attention on waste of resources, money and, more than anything, time... the only thing none can buy more!

To avoid waste, BIT-Logical builds a heart-bit signalling system (BITs) that pushes information on a personal on-demand training basis reducing your expenses, creating permanent development and driving continuous improvement without the carrying costs of technologies and learning curves.
Here are the benefits:
  1. Save time, effort and money when using technologies to achieve a process goal
  2. Less complexities when acquiring technologies for Internet usage
  3. Greater expansion for opportunities exploration
  4. Increases motivation inside and outside the business
  5. Helps teams to identify issues and eliminate them
  6. Reduces work and increases value streams
  7. Improves the path from concept to cash by making heart-bit signals more visible
LFT-Australia implements the BIT-Logical system in our hubs' actions and investments.

Let's be a BIT-Logical! Want to know more? Contact us.

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