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Thursday, October 24, 2013

You would be surprised what our Australian health officials are up to overseas

This is an urgent message to all Australians,

Have you ever wondered what our health officials are up to overseas? So
far it's been impossible to find out, since so much national and global
policy is made behind closed doors and policymakers are very secretive
about making their activities public. Until now, that is.

Would it surprise you to know that our bureaucrats are using our tax
money to force us into eating food that contains dangerous toxins and
contaminants? And Australian officials have been very successful at
lobbying foreign governments to poison their food chain as well. It
sounds counter intuitive, but unfortunately its true, and we're not
terribly popular with most of the rest of the world for being the
cheerleaders for some very unethical industries. And that's not all;
wait until you find out about the rest of it. Is this what Australians
want to be known for in the rest of the world?

You would not have found any of this out, were it not for Scott Tips JD,
who has put his legal practice aside to become a watchdog for the world
at the annual and very secretive CODEX meetings. He has issued a special
report exclusively for Australians to inform us of our health official's
activities in the international arena. We should thank him for that.

If we send this email with the special report attached to all our
contacts and take some action we can let our unelected officials know
our views on their activities. If we take urgent action now, we can help
change the course of history during the next CODEX meeting. Here's how:

The special report is attached to this email or it can be read at:

More about Scott Tipps and the National Health Federation here:

Please spread this news to every contact, relative and friend. You will
not hear this on the media and it is imperative for all Australians to
know what our unelected officials are doing so we can safeguard our
families and stop these activities. Here's your chance to make a
difference and be proud to be Australian.

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