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Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ajenti V | wordpress | plugins | error

Process has exited with status -1

Installing wordpress using ajenti V

if you load the worpress/tar.gz to var/www/yourfolder and untar using ajenti, you musg chown it:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data wordpress-foldername

that is to give the server ownership on the wordpress-folder (to be able to write on it)

create your dB and dB's u-name

activate ftp for ajenti

then go crazy baby!

remember to use your domain | localhost | or IP to found it | ajenti is not like apache!!!

--alternative route----
YOU CAN USE the script:

Whenever I have a new project I need to used command line to install wordpress, and configure the install, so I'm not sure how you did it.

Here's the full code, using command line browse to the html directory

cd /var/www/sites-folder-directory

download wordpress package and extract

wget && tar xfz latest.tar.gz

move wordpress files to root folder & Delete Wordpress Folder and tar file

mv wordpress/* ./
rmdir ./wordpress/ && rm -f latest.tar.gz

Assign these new files and folders to default nginx user and group, you should check your default nginx user and group under /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www/sites-folder-directory

Not really nescessary but if you want to change folder and file permission you can use command below

# Change Folders Permission
sudo find <directory> -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

# Change Files Permission
sudo find <directory> -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

if you have correct folders and files permission and the current directory is assign to default user and group it wouldn't ask for FTP credentials



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