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Friday, January 20, 2017

From apps to opps for better holidays

if http was to link data ; lft-au is for link opps

From apps to opps for better holidays - having an app on the phone is nice but having an opp that can make you arrive to better holidays and income streams from your phone is fucking crazy

having an app installed on my phone is fine, but having an opp working on my phone that will install me on my next holiday or cash income path is brilliant!

What's an opp? an opportunity in bio-cybernetic environments (the internet for example)

How it works:
1- post what you can share: your skills, idea, project or home swap
2- earn prestige: on the system, you will be able to participate and earn points
3- explore options: you will be able to access options followng your leverage (points)
4- get support: yuo can buy, negotiate or request free support from LFT-Au
5- get software: become a memebr and access our software pages

The 3 points:
1- Share or seek? Are you sharing or seeking an opp?
2- Exchange it: learn how to exchange opps and grow them
3- Holiday key: earn prestige, the more you have the more you connect

Decentralized networks:
1- you do it yourself
2- no government or fat cats' red tape
3- no opps, no problem, trade your skills
4- your skills are the limit

Support groups: "In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help, usually nonprofessional and nonmaterial, for a particular shared, usually burdensome, characteristic. Members with the same 'goals' can come together for sharing coping strategies, to feel more empowered and for a sense of community. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant information, relating personal experiences, listening to and accepting others' experiences, providing sympathetic understanding and establishing social networks. A support group may also work to inform the public or engage in advocacy."

You can set up or be part of SG's (support groups) do it yourself or link it to LFT-Au.

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