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Thursday, March 9, 2017

"Game example (LFT Virtual reality online game)"

Peter wants to raise $160,000

He has some ideas:

- Fish disease
- Cattle mustering
- House in NZ
- NZ Island

You (Peter) will play as a VRS (virtual reality seller) and will try to approach a VRB (virtual reality buyer) on the game.

Here are some proposed solutions by  VRB investors on the VRG (virtual reality game):

  1. Set up a support call
  2. Negotiate with prospective FT (fair trade) investors
  3. Once FT is on board, build a digital proposal for the VRG
  4. Make one digital proposal for each one of your 4 ideas
  5. The FT will negotiate with you support plan to make them grow
  6. Your ideas must sell 24 'professional development' packs (from $1,500) plus 15 new LFT memberships per week for 1 year.
  7. The FT will negotiate to exchange the profits from the game with LFT
  8. A total of $75,000 will be offered to you as a FT loan to pay back without interests.
  9. You must sign a agreement to pay the FT back

Game on!

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