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Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Multisite - WPMU DEV

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Multisite - WPMU DEV

Activating Multisite on a Fresh WordPress Installation

Activating Multisite when you install WordPress involves a few extra
steps. Firstly, you need to install WordPress and allowing a network.

  1. Install WordPress in the normal way. Download WordPress and use the “Famous 5 minute install” to install it on your server or local machine.
  2. Open your wp-config.php file which you’ll find in the folder where you installed WordPress. Find the line that reads:

/* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
  1.  Immediately above that line, create a new line that reads as follows:

define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );

  1.  Now save your wp-config.php file.
The next step is to visit the WordPress admin screens and install Multisite.

  1. In the WordPress admin, go to Tools >Network Setup. You’ll be prompted to choose subdomains or subdirectories for your installation: choose the one that works for your network.
  2. Edit the title of your network and email address of the network administrator when prompted, or leave them as they are.
  3. Click the Install button.
The final step is to copy some code provided by WordPress into your wp-config.php and .htaccess files.

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