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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Veterinarians without Limits


Agronomes et vétérinaires sans frontières is a French non-profit organisation

created in 2004 by the merger of Vétérinaires sans frontières (VSF) and

the Centre International de Coopération pour le Développement Agricole


As explained on its website, it is an "association for international

solidarity which acts for rural development, supports rural farming in

underprivileged regions and contributes to advocacy and lobbying

activity in the North and South in favour of these agricultures by

making the most of existing skills in agriculture, livestock and animal




Inspired on that, at LFT-Australia we have a hack called:

Veterinarians without Limits  

It is a web app for your to participate in "Veterinarians sans limites", as it name said, there are no limits! You can be in one country and help another people or biodiversity in the other side of the world with your skills or information!


With the app you can participate from your phone, mobile device or computer.  

You can:

  1. Volunteer as a veterinarian.
  2. Link with biodiversity groups.
  3. Support community projects.
  4. Participate in key activities.
  5. Promote your career nationally and internationally.
  6. Support local pet clubs.
  7. Support farmers projects.
  8. Apply for funding.
  9. Write your own project or
  10. Participate in paid projects. 
Who can participate:

  1. Veterinarians
  2. Students
  3. Careers and professionals linked to biodiversity areas.
 How to join:

  1. It is free to join.
  2. Go to www, and contact us from there.
  3. Send us a message from:


Approach Community said...

Vétérinaires illimités

Marcela said...

searching I found this place that seems a good start point to create links to experts in threaten species