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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Iconography as a Humanistic Tool | Community project?

Iconography as a Humanistic Discipline (Iconography at the Crossroads) |

An idea, an event or a person caught some emotions in icons. We need to be aware that this is happening to understand if out attention is being manipulated by others, What your read and what you hear is your choice!

According to time and circumstances, iconography appears in society. This variation has been shown in health, economy and personal use of time. Hundreads of mental actions (attentions) you stretch towards it. Your attention is so important, concentrating it within!

Wether is a skill or driving your car for the first time, attention and tension is created. The attention is in “the moment” 

Online gallery of different spiritual, philosophical and psychological iconographic images from different sources and communities aiming to find how they interconnect.

The online gallery aims to setup community hubs in this challenging time when the world -together- needs to unite and support each other.

Every single person responds differently to icons and their trajectory in our minds. This is an experiential opportunity to truly experience yourself where is your attention.

From che Guevara to Anominous or Santa Claus, we link our history and time with icons.

Hubs will allow to enable localised solutions to support our communities to allow food security, health and other important inputs that our communities need to face this global issue and thrive!

The ultimate goal is to create “localised solutions” for geographical communities to be prepared and have the filters that support their attention... in form of language, images and thoughts. The simplicity of exercises that links the attention of the group (community) can be improved by tweaking the ‘attention capacity’.

The group will notice the gaps where attention is lacking and once examined corrections will be able to be made. With that awareness we invite space and solutions. Just practice will allow perfection of this basic Biocybernetic system.

More info soon.

Food security (example)

Expanding attention particles: with a direct intention we can control attention. Eg, frequency of waste thoughts create an incredible amount of waste time.

Game rules:
  1. Online gallery needs to be produce for the cluster (or group)
  2. The cluster can be your house, neighbourhood, study or work place, etc.
  3. Post your gallery (online) and send your link to us.
  4. An online speech maybe organised.
  5. Food security plan is drawn by our netwoork of supporters.
  6. Communication system is enabled.
  7. System is tested to run in real life1

For more information please click here.

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