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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

LFT is fair dinkum

Short version: Saywhat-LFT (or just LFT) is a blog where you can learn how to take advantage of Virtual Reality. By placing data in online discussions you might reach your goals with less time, hassles and barriers. LFT  was propelled by retired virtual cash business owners.

OK, bye then... have a good life! :)

zzz zzz zzz

--still here? OK here is the long version:

A bit of Australian culture:

"dinkum: Reliable; genuine; honest; true. This word is a shortening of fair dinkum which comes from British dialect. The compound fair dinkum 'fair dealing which is just and equitable' is recorded from Lincolnshire in 1881, and is the equivalent of West Yorkshire fair doos fair dealing. The adjective is first recorded in Australia from the 1890s. For a more detailed discussion of dinkum see the article 'The Story of Dinkum' on our blog." -source-

About us: LFT is an online hub (in blog format) where AI and VR games are placed (using biocybernetics and RAS tools). LFT = let's fair trade = Fair dinkum = no BS! 

How this is done:

  1. Learn: Understating the RAS tools (placing and refreshing data in networks over and over again), best example of it is how AA have used it for over 80 years and is still going strong! 
  2. Play: how biocybernetic gadgets can be used, such as portable devices (smart phones, pads, etc).
  3. Check: how you are moving towards your target.
  4. Reload: Start again!


  1. RAS: setting up an avatar game showing the skills we wanted our virtual persona (avatar). <this was a guy seeking employment>.
  2. Play: placing the avatar data in key 'real-life' networks. <avatar moved into job sites and discussions>.
  3. Check: the virtual reality crossed with real life, allowing the player to come out of the avatar <have real life meetings>.
  4. Reload: more RAS data was loaded into the networks. Giving the system more balance and strength.
The end result:  a job where the individual came out his/her avatar and worked in a Neurological Research program, giving free to the world an algorithm (supported by other players at SayWhat-LFT) called PDP (personal development plan) who was initially aimed at people with a disability diagnostic, then it was released to other users.

Note: such task took only 2 months, the individual had no Neurology degrees (you need at least 12 years for that), was lacking suitable contacts (to build it you may spend 2 years), there were no high level people behind it (marketing for that takes a painful 5 years plan -at least-), no virtual reality and not artificial intelligence hardware, software, staff and lab (budget for that is no less than $250,000 per year)... the whole game created the virtual experience for the targets and the players. The user decided to jump back into his/her avatar and explore other areas meanwhile is enjoying a -close to- 6 figure pay check.

And what about you? would you like to jump to the virtual dimension? Or would you want to only stay hooked to your devices and being prey of the big Corporations? 

Let us know if you want to explore it, it's -mostly- free. 

Contacts: -click here to contact us-. 

Method: Click HERE for the method. Let us know when you start by contacting us, then post it online in your blog, website, social net, etc.

Remember: this IS NOT a business it's just an online blog... bye now... :p :)

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