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Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How to Treat Spider Veins on the Feet

Spider veins are most common in the legs and thighs, but can develop in
the feet, ankles or anywhere in the body. Spider veins, or
telangiectasias, are fine, dark-looking veins that develop in clusters
like a spider's web on the surface of your skin. It is important to
reduce spider veins before they develop into varicose veins. Spider
veins are the most common in women after their childbearing years. The
Cleveland Clinic estimates up to 60 percent of the adult population
suffers from spider veins. Risk factors include a family history,
sedentary life style, weight gain, pregnancy and prolonged standing.
Spider veins develop because of weaknesses in the vein walls. The weak
vein walls cause pools of blood, which lead to spider veins. Spider
veins can be treated on your feet and ankles with the right combination
of a daily routine of resting and massaging, and a more aggressive
treatment of laser therapy.

How to Treat Spider Veins on the Feet

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